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Music Therapy

Music has the power to evoke strong emotions within us. It is no doubt that when we listen to different kinds of music, we feel an influx of mood changes such as feeling, excited, sad, peaceful etc. Thus, music as a therapeutic technique is incorporated to help bring out positive mood changes, and improve overall emotional and cognitive behaviour.


In order to seek music therapy, it is not required for you to know how to sing or play an instrument, but rather your therapist would help you make music, write songs, discuss your favourite kinds of music, dance, or merely just listen to music.


During music therapy sessions, improvisation is a key factor here. Your therapist may ask you to make up a song on how you're currently feeling or make music according to however you are feeling at that point in time. For instance, you will be made to beat on drums, to enact the mood of a storm, if you feel sad or angry. In a situation where you're feeling tensed or stressed, your therapists would make you listen to slow or soothing music to ease the sensations.


Music therapy in itself comes in various kinds such as cognitive behavioural music therapy, analytical music therapy, community music therapy, vocal psychotherapy etc.


This for of creative therapy is beneficial for people who are facing mental health issues such as anxiety and dpression, autism, OCD, schizophernia etc, In addition to this, music therapy also helps in improving memory skills, concentration and verbal skills. 

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